300+ hits

I started this blog Friday night because the weather was bad and  I was doing research on the ABA and upcoming Rainmen opponents.  When I realized how difficult it is to track some of this stuff down I decided to make it easier on other fans.

 Anyway, the point is:  Between Friday night when I put this thing up and now I’ve had 312 hits.  Kind of crazy considering the limited scope of the content of this blog and the almost non-existent promotion.  (as well as the lack of seeding, which means that I am way down on the google search list)

I think it’s a testiment to just how little info there is on the team and the league, and how interested people are in the Rainmen. (Interest seems to be from Halifax fans, curious Halifax folk who are thinking about checking the team out, fans of other ABA teams checking out the new kids, and ABA naysayers who feel sympathy for us as city and a fanbase)

 Anyway, I had nothing really to do this weekend and I had a lot of new info that I had found, so don’t expect dozens of updates every day.  I would expect a post or two every two days.  That said, please feel free to spread the word about the blog – I figure some of the stuff I find online will be helpful/enjoyable for others.

 See you all on Wednesday Thursday.

4 thoughts on “300+ hits

  1. Just to let you know Chris that the game is thursday not wednesday but thats ok. any new on the hecking front for us for that game? Anything to do with the past games with the Millrats?

  2. By hecking I mean heckling. But I would consider using Silverhorn more even if he becomes in foul trouble because with the different rules the positive vs. negative that it would produce may be worth it.

  3. It seems to me we may have lost James Booyer. He hasn’t played a game yet, depsite the fact we could REALLY use his size (6’9) and ABA experince.

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